Engagement Principles
The following principles underpinned all of the Review’s engagement.
COLLABORATIVE: developing recommendations through an iterative process of facilitated discussion and consensus building, based on the evidence available, that places the interests of the children and young people at its centre.
PROACTIVE: Taking a “no surprises” approach, keeping stakeholders involved and informed throughout the lifetime of the review through regular updates and engagement opportunities.
OPEN & ACCESSIBLE: Using different methods to engage with stakeholders in a manner that makes them feel safe and supported and allows quieter voices to be heard, balancing open access methods with more targeted engagement with those closest to / most affected by the services.
PURPOSEFUL & COORDINATED: Clearly defining the purpose of different engagement activities and how learning will be used to inform the recommendations. Engagement will compliment, but not duplicate, the work of the Review’s academic researchers.
RESPECTFUL: informed through on-going dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders, acknowledging and allowing expression of the different views and opinion across the spectrum of stakeholders, but will not tolerate disrespectful, threatening or abusive behaviour. See our Terms and Conditions page.